August News

As the month of August begins family begin preparing for the new school year! Please keep in your prayers Teachers, School Staff, Students, Parents and Caregivers. May God surround all with love, mercy and the Spirit of a positive school year.

You will find Grace’s August newsletter here: August 2023 Newsletter

Click the link to discover the current Grace Calendar here: Grace August 2023 Calendar

June News

The June Messenger can be found here: June 2023 Messenger

Click the link to read the current news of Grace Lutheran Church: June 2023 Calendar

“Lord, the world is full of sound bites, and so much competes for my attention. Help me tune out all the distractions and tune in to your graciousness. Center my heart in your overflowing love. Amen.” ~ shared by The Word in Season devotional.

May 2023 News

In May we will gather for worship services at Grace. Pentecost Sunday is May 28th, all are welcome to witness the confirmation of three young people as we extend Congratulations to each one. Pentecost is also a day to wear the color red in remembrance of the Holy Spirit entering the lives of the disciples and what that might mean for all of us.

Click the link to read the current news from Grace Lutheran Church here: May 2023 Messenger

The May 2023 Calendar can be found here: May 2023 Calendar

April 2023 News

As we celebrate this Easter season, I hope we are filled with great joy, great hope, and great happiness! Christ is risen! April worship services will be held at St. Luke’s, 2315 I Street. Additional information can be found in the April 2023 Messenger.

Click the link to read the current news here: April 2023 Messenger

The April 2023 Calendar can be found here: April 2023 Calendar

March News

Read the Messenger to see the Lenten Schedule, new and ongoing opportunities to help one another and of course the joke page! In honor of the 250th anniversary of the writing of “Amazing Grace,” this worship series for Lent by theologian Michael Hoy ties the words of the beloved song to our lives today as Christ’s disciples.

The Grace Messenger for March 2023 is located here: March 2023 Messenger

Click the link to read the current calendar: March 2023 Calendar

February News

As we prepare for Lent you will find inside the Grace Messenger schedules for Ash Wednesday and the Mid-week Lenten Services. In addition you will find opportunities to help or find help within the community, along with opportunities for some family fun. May God surround you with God’s love and mercy throughout this season of Lent.

The Grace Messenger for February can be found here: February 2023 Messenger

Click the link to browse the current calendar events: February 2023 Calendar

January News

Happy New Year! May God’s Blessings, Mercy and Love surround you and your family during 2023!

This year’s Annual Meeting will be held following Worship service on Sunday, January 29th, at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, 2315 I Street.

The current issue of the Grace Messenger is located here: January 2023 Messenger

The January 2023 Calendar for Grace can be found here: January 2023 Calendar

December News

Advent calls us to prepare for and await the coming of the Savior. Being patient and discerning in advance of such a joyous occasion is not meant to be done in isolation. A serious contemplation of the body of Christ teaches us to work in concert with others to accomplish the mission of God in our community in every season. Materials for both Advent Calendars and an Advent Study Guide can be found on the table in the back of the sanctuary.

The current issue of the Grace Messenger can be found here: December 2022 Messenger

Click the link to see the December 2022 calendar: December 2022 Calendar

November News

Sunday morning Worship Service during the month of November will be held at St. Luke’s Lutheran, 2315 I Street, at 9:30 am. All are invited to attend the Thanksgiving Eve Service hosted by St. Matthew’s, 1725 South 60th Street, on Wednesday, November 23rd at 6:30 pm. Fellowship and Refreshments will follow worship service. This year the first Sunday of Advent is on November 27th.

Attached is the current issue of the Grace Messenger: November 2022 Messenger

Click here to read the November calendar: November 2022 Calendar