March News

Lent palmsLent Begins with Ash Wednesday, March 1st, will be held at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church this year. To learn the Lent Schedule for services, dates and location please read the March newsletter.

This Lent we have the opportunity to examine which motives bring us closer to God and to practice them. We can give up that which separates us from God, or we can begin a faith practice that brings us closer to God. We can give, pray, and forgive. We are free to examine our motives as our hearts and actions show where our treasure is. (The Word in Season, March 1.)

The current news in the March Newsletter can be found here: March 2017 Newsletter

Click the link to see the Grace Calendar for March 2017: March Calendar

February News

The first Sunday in February will begin earlier than usual for one week only, worship services will begin at 9:00 a.m.

Sharing from the Devotion “The Word In Season” on January 18th: Every believer struggles at one time or another with the question “Who is Jesus?” It’s called doubt. No one escapes it. We don’t need to be afraid of doubt, we just need to be prepared with the tools to address it. There is an old story about a young man who was struggling and decided to go visit a wise old rabbi. The two men sat in front of a fireplace, and the young one asked, “Teacher, I seem to have lost my faith, and I don’t know what to do. It’s been months since I felt like going to worship.” The wise old man smiled and said, “Reach down and remove a glowing coal from the fire.” The young man did, and together they watched the coal die down to an ember. They sat in silence. Then the rabbi said, “Now put the coal back into the fire.” He did, and of course it quickly burst back into flames. Nothing else needed to be said. The young man left knowing what he needed to do.

We either feed our faith or feed our doubts by our daily choices. The Christian walk is not possible alone. We hold the Christ light for each other.

The Grace Newsletter for February can be found here: February 2017 Newsletter

February Calendar for Grace Lutheran Church is located here: February Calendar

January News

January went by in a blink of an eye without Grace News being posted. For interested individuals who would like to read on and catch up with news that has happened in January at Grace Lutheran you may find the Newsletter here: January 2017 Newsletter

The Grace January calendar can be found here: January Calendar

December News

Joy Baby Jesus
Grace Lutheran Church will have Christmas Eve Worship Service at 4:30p.m., bringing family and friends together to celebrate the wonder surrounding the birth of Christ. Sing “Silent Night” by candlelight as part of your Christmas tradition. Christmas morning service will be held at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church at 10:00a.m. May the Peace of Christ surround you this Christmas season.

The December issue of the Grace Messenger can be found here: December 2016 Newsletter

Grace Lutheran’s December calendar can be found here: December Calendar

November News

Beginning of November finds Grace Quilters preparing all the quilts that have been made during the past year and sending them to Lutheran World Relief where they will send globally where items are currently in the most need. Grace also looks forward to the Thanksgiving Eve Unity Service, this year St. Luke’s Lutheran Church will host the worship service on Wednesday, November 23rd at 7:00 p.m. To read additional information surrounding Grace, please click the links below. Most people find themselves getting busier and busier with the holiday season approaching, take a moment and remember the Peace shared by Christ Jesus no matter what busy situation you find yourself in.

The November issue of the Grace Messenger can be found here: November 2016 Messenger

Grace Lutheran’s ministry calendar can be found here: November Calendar

October 2016 News

A couple of activity highlights during the month of October: first the Annual Omaha CROP Walk to help fight hunger issues both locally and globally will take place on Sunday, October 9th; second is the celebration in the community of Grace’s annual Halloween Party on Friday, October 28th! To find out additional information on both events and others happening during October please click the following links and read on.

The October Grace Messenger can be found here: October 2016 Messenger

Click the link to view Grace Lutheran’s October Calendar: October Calendar

September News

Through the ELCA emphasis of “God’s Work, Our Hands” join us on Sunday, September 11th following worship service and a light lunch we will be going out into the neighborhood, bringing God’s presence as we serve one another in our community by picking up litter. The following Sunday, September 18th, we will gather at the River City Star and enjoy a boat ride, service and fellowship. To learn more details and other Grace News, click the link and read on.

The September Grace Messenger can be found here: September 2016 Messenger

The Grace Calendar for September can be found here: September Calendar

August News

August can be a busy time of year, getting the students ready for their ultimate return to school, trying to fit in those last minute getaways before the end of summer. Consider joining lively conversations with Grace and St. Luke’s Lutheran Church every Monday, beginning August 8th, for an Adult Study, “The Lutheran Course”, for seven sessions. To read more information regarding this study, click on the link to the Grace Messenger below.

The current issued of the Grace Messenger can be found here: August 2016 Messenger

The August Calendar for Grace Lutheran Church can be found here: August Calendar

July News

July continues to be a busy month at Grace as we continue working with youth in the Kids At Work summer program, reflecting on the Vacation Bible School experience, and looking forward to July’s Family Friendly Movie Night.

The July issue of The Grace Messenger can be found here: July 2016 Grace Messenger

Grace Lutheran’s July Calendar highlighting ministry opportunities can be found here: July Calendar

June News

There are many exciting adventures to read about in the current issue of the Grace Messenger; including Kids At Work, Movie Night, a One Day Vacation Bible School Event with a barbecue to follow and so much more. Summer is an awesome time to gather together have some fun while sharing and teaching in the Love and Word of God.

June’s edition of the Grace Messenger can be found here: June 2016 Newsletter

June’s calendar reflecting the volunteer ministry can be found here: June Calendar