July News

Kids At Work Summer Youth Program continues to be a great blessing in the community and will conclude with a Celebration Potluck Picnic on Sunday July 26th at noon following worship service. You are invited to join in, in this annual fellowship with great food and awesome fellowship.

The July issue of the Grace Messenger can be found here: July 2015 Newsletter*

The Grace Lutheran Church July Calendar can be found here: July Calendar

June News

Kids At Work starts this week and will continue through July 22nd meeting and serving the community every Tuesday and Wednesday from 10:00 to noon. May the Holy Spirit move this great group of young adults as they venture into the community and make them blessings to others.

Grace Messenger can be found here: June 2015 Messenger
Grace Lutheran Church’s June calendar can be found here: June Calendar

May News

Sharing May 1st’s devotion from Word in Season: John 14:12 Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these. In talking about the future, his death, resurrection, and ascension, Jesus promised Philip, along with the other disciples gathered with him around the supper table, participation in God’s loving, healing, and saving work. In the inviting and gathering, welcoming and giving of hospitality, the love of God will be made known to others, and countless lives will be forever changed. Jesus’ promise is for you, too! By God’s gift of grace through faith, you will be a part of God’s work of loving and blessing the world. The “greater works than these” of which Jesus speaks are the ways in which we love and care for others, and they are grateful and faithful responses to what God has first done for us. In listening to the concerns of a friend, in reaching out in friendship to another, in encouraging one who is heartbroken, we witness to God’s love in Christ. And Jesus’ promise of joining in God’s loving, healing, and saving work is fulfilled.

Come and see.

The Grace Lutheran May Messenger can be found here: May 2015 Newsletter*

Grace Lutheran’s May Calendar is located here: May Calendar

April News

PrintOn Thursday, we begin the Great Three Days of our faith journey. We gather for Maundy Thursday service at St. Luke’s Lutheran at 7 pm. On Good Friday, we gather at Grace at 7 pm. On Holy Saturday, we prepare quietly for the glorious celebration of resurrection. Sunrise service at Grace at 6:30 am. Come join in the journey!

Click on the link to read Grace Lutheran’s April Newsletter: April 2015 News
Grace’s April Calendar is located here: April Calendar

March News

Grace continues to experience the Grace and Mercy given by God as we listen to guest speakers on “Commitment Above Adversity” through the Beatitudes, given each Wednesday during the Mid Week Lenten Service. Join us for fellowship and a light meal served at 6:00 p.m. and then listen to special music and guest speakers during a simple service at 7:00 p.m.

Current news from Grace Lutheran Church can be found here: March 2015 Newsletter

The Grace Lutheran March Calendar can be seen by clicking here: March Calendar

February News

Print Ash Wednesday, February 18th, starts the Lenten season, Come and See what Lent means! Fellowship with a light meal will be served at 6:00 p.m. followed by a Lenten service, including music from the Holden Evening Prayer, at 7:00 p.m.

The latest news from Grace Lutheran Church can be found here: February 2015 Newsletter

The February ministry calendar for Grace Lutheran Church can be located here: February 2015 calendar

January News – Happy New Year!

Prayer from the Daily Texts as we begin 2015.
“Thank you, Lord, for leaping ahead of me into this new year! You catch me in your wide embrace. Improve my sight this year, Lord, so I might truly see that I lack nothing. During 2015 help my inner vision be 20/20, that I might sense your abundant presence. With heart and hands wide open fill, me with your peace. Amen.”
Latest and most current news from Grace Lutheran Church can be found here: January 2015 Newsletter
The Grace Lutheran Church January ministry calendar is located here: January calendar

December News

peace on earth Christmas Eve Worship is planned for 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 24th. Oh! Come All Ye Faithful! Celebrate the joy and wonder of Christ’s birth! Share in the tradition of singing “Silent Night” by candlelight. Invite family, friends and loved ones to experience the Spirit of Christmas.

The latest news from Grace Lutheran Church can be found here: December 2014 Newsletter

Grace Lutheran Church December ministry calendar is located here: December calendar

November News

The latest news from Grace Lutheran Church can be found here: November 2014* Newsletter

Grace Lutheran’s November ministry calendar is located here: November calendar
This year’s Thanksgiving Eve Service will be held at First Lutheran Church, 31st and Jackson Street, on November 26th at 5:30 p.m. Special Taize music will be part of the service. An awesome opportunity to worship together with Thanksgiving. Please bring canned goods to support the pantry during this holiday season. Please plan to attend.

October News

Grace Lutheran Church October Newsletter can be found here: October Newsletter*

October Ministry Calendar for Grace Lutheran Church can be found here: October calendar

reformsundayA few important things happening during the month of October:
Friday, October 3rd, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. a fundraiser ethnic dinner to help support all the challenging work and medical services being done at Augusta Victoria Hospital in Jerusalem, regardless of religious or political affiliation. The dinner will be held at St. Paul Lutheran Church, 13271 Millard Avenue. Crop Walk is fast approaching, Sunday, October 12th is the big day, if you would like to sponsor any participating walkers, please call the church office 402-341-7730. Get your little ghosts and goblins ready for the annual Halloween Party, Friday, October 24th from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Sunday, October 26th is Reformation Sunday, an awesome opportunity to remind ourselves of the history of Martin Luther and the greater glory knowing there are no boundaries holding us from a closer relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ. Come visit Grace Lutheran during our 11:00 a.m. service!