November News

Sunday morning Worship Service during the month of November will be held at St. Luke’s Lutheran, 2315 I Street, at 9:30 am. All are invited to attend the Thanksgiving Eve Service hosted by St. Matthew’s, 1725 South 60th Street, on Wednesday, November 23rd at 6:30 pm. Fellowship and Refreshments will follow worship service. This year the first Sunday of Advent is on November 27th.

Attached is the current issue of the Grace Messenger: November 2022 Messenger

Click here to read the November calendar: November 2022 Calendar

September News

Click the link to keep up to date with the current issue of the Grace Messenger: September 2022 Messenger

Browse the Grace September 2022 Calendar here: September 2022 Calendar

Renewing God, this is a new day with new possibilities. Help me to see you today, in the world, in each person, in words and songs and in silence. I give thanks for each chance to see your light in the world today. Amen.   Prayer shared from The Word In Season devotional booklet.

August News

Included within the August issue of Grace Messenger you will discover pictures from the Vacation Bible School were children and adults heard stories and sang songs about God’s wonderful creation!

Click the link to read the current Grace Lutheran monthly newsletter: August Messenger

You can browse the current Grace calendar here: August 2022 Calendar

July News

God is Great! After a two year absence; Vacation Bible School returns this July! Read the Grace Messenger for additional details and the many ways you can help make this summer’s Vacation Bible School a success.

Browse the current news from Grace Lutheran Church here: July 2022 Messenger

Click the link to view the July 2022 calendar: July 2022 Calendar

Renewing God, this is a new day with new possibilities. Help me to see you today, in the world, in each person, in words and songs and in silence. I give thanks for each chance to see your light in the world today. Amen.  Shared by The Word in Season devotional.

May News

Attached is the current news in the monthly issue of the Grace Messenger:May 2022 Messenger

Click the link to browse the May Calendar: May 2022 Calendar

During the month of May we will gather at St. Luke’s each Sunday at 9:30 am for Worship Service. Hope to see you there!

April News

It is a busy time during the church year! Take time to intentionally enter into a quiet place to reconnect and strengthen your relationship with God in prayer. Attached are the current opportunities to serve one another, connections with the community and news from Grace Lutheran Church. Easter Blessings to you and your family.

Click the link to read the current news from Grace Lutheran Church: April 2022 Messenger

Grace Lutheran’s April 2022 Calendar of events can be found here: April 2022 Calendar*

March News

Lent begins this month with Ash Wednesday on March 2nd. Worship services during the month of March will be held at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, 2315 I Street. Within the March issue of Grace Messenger are opportunities to help those in need through Baking Essentials and Personal Care Kits; and participate in a Lent Bible Study. Additional details regarding the busy season of Lent can be read within the Grace Messenger and the March calendar attached below.

The current news from Grace Lutheran Church can be found here: March 2022 Messenger

Click the link to read the Grace Calendar for March 2022: March 2022 Calendar

January 2022 News

“Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we…have come to pay him homage.” Matthew 2:2

Today, January 6th, is Epiphany. Epiphany comes from a Greek word meaning “appearance.” This day is called Epiphany because we celebrate that God was revealed in Jesus to the world – not only to the Jewish nation but to all the nations of the world. We celebrate today that God reached out to the magi in lands far east of Jerusalem. From the beginning Jesus was God’s revelation and God’s gift for the world. In his ministry Jesus reached out to Gentiles multiple times, including a Canaanite woman (Matthew 15:21-28) and a Samaritan woman (John 4:4-26). But in this reading and on this day we are told that even as a child Christ Jesus was revealed to peoples from all nations as God’s promise for the world. Epiphany reminds us that we who have beheld God’s glory in Christ are sent to share Christ with the world (Matthew 28:19-20). Shared by The Word In Season devotional reading Matthew 2:1-12.

The current Grace Messenger can be found here: January 2022 Messenger

Click the link to see the Grace January 2022 Calendar: January 2022 Calendar

Christmas Eve 2021

Christmas Eve Candlelight
We gather to hear the “good news” from the angels once again. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, we are reminded that nothing can separate us from the love of God made known to us in Jesus. We conclude our service singing Silent Night by candlelight! Service begins at 4:30 pm.