Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year (2020) to one and all. 🎁

January 2019 News

When the song of the angels is stilled, when the star in the sky is gone, when the kings and princes are home, when the shepherds are back with their flock, the work of Christmas begins: To find the lost; To heal the broken; To feed the hungry; To free the prisoner; To rebuild the nations; To bring peace among brothers and sisters; and To make music in the heart. ~ shared from Howard Thurman, Asbury News, Minneapolis, MN,
The January Messenger can be located here: January 2019 Messenger
The Grace Calendar for January 2019 is located here: January 2019 Calendar

December News

It is the busy time of the year, take a few moments and read through the festivities planned for December including Poinsettia orders and details of the traditional Candlelight Service on Christmas Eve. All are welcome!

The Grace Messenger for December 2018 can be found here: December 2018 Messenger

Click the link to read the Grace Calendar for December 2018: December 2018 Calendar

November News

There is a variety of photos and recaps from the October activities and details for the Thanksgiving Eve Service.
Click the link to read the current up-to-date news in the Grace Messenger here: November 2018 Messenger
The November 2018 Calendar can be found here: November Calendar

October News

October is a busy month with plenty of opportunities to connect with community; CROP Walk, Restoring Dignity donations, Halloween Party and in observance of Reformation Sunday, please wear the color red.
The October Grace Messenger can be located here: October 2018 Messenger
Click the link to browse the 2018 October Calendar here: October 2018 Calendar

September News

A Prayer shared from Word in Season Devotional: Holy One, I ask you to get my attention and open my ears to hear your loving invitation to be restored. Quiet the noise of life and show me how to find rest in the stillness of your presence so I might know the joy of dwelling with you. Amen.

Current news for Grace Lutheran Church can be found here: September 2018 Messenger

The Grace 2018 September Calendar can be found here: September 2018 Calendar

August News

A Prayer shared from Word in Season: God of all people, remind me of my connections today – to the ones I know and love and to the people both far and near who are in any need. Direct my prayer, yes, but also direct my voice, hands, and my resources to be your answer to prayers. Amen.

You can find the current news of Grace Lutheran Church here: August 2018 Messenger

The Grace August 2018 Calendar can be located here: August 2018 Calendar

July News

A Prayer shared from Word in Season: I have woken to a new day. With you by me side, Gracious Lord, I am prepared to face all that it may bring. I pray that the day’s storms will be met with courage and strength. And I pray that I will receive its rewards, in all their forms, with humility and grace. Amen.

Grace Messenger for July 2018 can be located here: July 2018 Messenger
Click the link to view Grace Lutheran’s July 2018 Calendar: July 2018 Calendar