Life in Christ Clowns, Picnic and Celebration

The Life in Christ Clown Circus will participate in morning worship on Sunday, August 16. Clown Ministry Omaha

A picnic will follow worship. Meat, drinks, and eating utensils will be provided. Salads, vegetables, deserts are welcome. The food will be served at 12:30 pm.

Come join the fun!

July 2009 Newsletter

You are invited to check out the lastest news shared in this month’s newsletter. There are special notes of thanks for the celebrations honoring Angela’s graduation, Pastor’s Ordination, and help with Faith Quest. There is an update on the Kids at Work ministry. Check it out.
The church calendar for the month can be found here.
July 2009 Calendar
The July Responsibility Page can be found here.
Responsibility July 2009

Can you play the piano and organ?

Grace Lutheran was saddened to learn that Mr. Talarico would be leaving the position of Music Leader/Organist, May 22, 2009.

Grace is looking for a new music leader. If you might be interested, please contact Pastor Laaker at the church office, 341-7730.

May we praise the Lord!