October 2008 Newsletter

Check out the latest news! The story shared by Intern Angela Khabeb is an important look at the shape of ministry.

There are many service opportunities suggested within.

Read the poems written by youth attending Wednesday Faith Quest.

Issue 10012008 10012008

Wow! Amazing! Kora Fundraiser is a wonderful Success!

Words seem inadequate to describe the wonderful outpouring of support that was evident as people gathered for the “Jadin Kora Benefit Fundraiser.” There was an abundance of good food! There was an outpouring of good will.

People came to enjoy the fun and festivities. The pie toss was a special “treat” for some.

Titus Duli and family came to enjoy the festivities, too. Titus expressed his deepest thanks for all the support shown for his family.

We exceeded our goal of raising $2000 for Jadin’s medical needs. Thanks be to God!

Jadin Kora Fundraiser

Jadin was born with damage done to his left shoulder. He is an active one and half year old. He needs a very special type of surgery that is not available in Nebraska. He and his parents need to go to Mayo Clinic for this procedure.

Grace Lutheran members and friends are planning a special fundraiser for Saturday, September 6. All interested persons are invited to dinner between 5-7 pm. Free will donations will be combined with proceeds from a silent auction and matched by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.

There will be games for children and rumor has it that several leaders will sit for a whipped cream toss.

Come out and join the fun while we raise needed funds for Jadin and his family.

Celebration! Joy!

Life in Christ Clowns helped create a celebration as we ended our 2008 Kids at Work Program. Joy was contagious as we participated in the skits that helped us see God’s amazing work and love.

Worship was followed by a picnic. God abundantly blesses and we shared those blessings with all. Good food! Good fellowship!

Thanks be to God!

Confirmation Camp 2008

Youth in our confirmation camp experience are having a wonderful time. As you can see, they are working together to provide one another rest. Well, not quite. This is a game called “Ha, Ha.” Ask them about it.

Fun and games, worship and prayer, learning and excitement, these are the things that make for a great confirmation camp experience.


Vacation Bible School was a “blast.”

Children and adults truly enjoyed this year’s Vacation Bible School, “Power Lab.” The week ended with a violent thunderstorm that created high winds and hail. We lost power to the building but the power of the Spirit kept us powered up.

Trying out blindness or the “fun and games” kept the interest of all.

Thanks to Janet Hula, VBS Director, and all her helpers for the wonderful week.


Intern Arriving in July

Grace Lutheran will welcome Angela Khabeb as a pastoral intern beginning in July. This new opportunity is a wonderful gift from God. Angela will work as part of the pastoral staff.

Pr. Laaker said, “This is a wonderful opportunity to share ministry with a seminarian preparing for full time ordained ministry. We are delighted.”